Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What I've Been Watching: Castle - Season 5

As I've mentioned on my review of the 4th season of castle I was wondering if they could successfully continue the series after that final twist.
I have recently finished the 5th season and I am very happy to say that I enjoyed it very much and in my opinion they did a good job. A lot can go wrong when you no longer have the tension of unrequited love but I think Castle and Beckett manage really well in their new relationship. Castle is less immature but still funny and open minded and Beckett is less troubled but still sharp and focused on her job.

I did like the mysteries presented in each episode and the relationship between the main and the secondary characters, both those in the precinct and Castle's family. I actually think the secondary cast is part of what makes the hole thing work. 

And we are treated to another twist in the final episodes. I won't say I was completely surprised by it because I think Beckett really deserves something more but I am curious to see who they will make it work.

You can find the DVD here 

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